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Results for "keyword: "media""
Birthday of Studs Terkel (PDP) Honoring the life and times of America's greatest chronicler.
Keeping Silent Creating quiet takes effort in our noisy world. Here are some simple practices to heed the call: "The Lord is in his temple; let all the earth keep silent before him."
Practicing Critical Awareness A reality check for critical self perception
May I Be Alone Asking for solitude for prayer.
Self-care Through Simplification Suggestions for simplifying that will bring more beauty and meaning to your life.
Living as One Human Family Some simple spiritual practices to do to affirm unity consciousness.
Letting Go The value in a spiritual life of letting go of fixed ideas, control, knowing, hurry and worry, and clutter.
Steven Biko Day A day to pay tribute to this freedom fighter who struggled against the terrors of South African apartheid.
Birthday of Amy Goodman (PDP) An award-winning journalist and writer who tirelessly advocates for the necessity of independent media.
Coping with Negativity Spiritual practices to use as antidotes to all the negativity in our private and public lives.